APSU is a partner of the European project BI4SME, which will be implemented from 2021 to 2024. The partnership counts with six partners from Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, Greece, Macedonia and Poland.

This project aims at:

- Developing an integrated training strategy for the uptake of business intelligence skills by SMEs;

- Democratising the Business Intelligence technology to foster the SMEs’ competitiveness and growth across Europe.

Project results:

- a Baseline knowledge pack;

- a BI skills training model with training contents and tools;

- Online BI4SME courses.

Acronym BI4SME
Title Boosting Business Intelligence Skills for SME Growth
Programme Erasmus+
Key-action  To enhance European SMEs’ BI skills.
Reference 2021-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000033132
Status Ongoing
Start date 01-02-2022
End date 01-08-2024
Partners Coordinator: Amaris España Estrategia E Innovacion Tecnologica Sl (Amaris Spain) - Espanha

Associação Portuguesa de StartUps (APSU) - Portugal

Synthesis Center for Research & Education, HUB NICOSIA (Synthesis) - Chipre

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) - Grécia

Community Development Institute (CDI) - Macedónia

WSEI - University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin - Polónia

Website  http://www.bi4sme-project.eu/