APSU is partner of the “Learning by Competing” European Project, which will be implemented from 2019 to 2021 along with partners from France, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom.

The project has five main goals:

• create and test innovative teaching methodologies;
• introduce competition in teaching and learning methods;
• develop ICT and mobility competencies;
• promote perseverance and resilience as success tools;
• develop soft skills and use the motivational effects of robotics to excite students about science and technology.

The final results will be:

• four training modules on Robotics and resources;
• a training platform;
• better performance of the students and better multicultural skills;
• higher interest for foreign languages;
• higher motivation for mobility and interest of other schools in the methodological approach of “Learning by Competing”.


Download:  1st E-Newsletter - July 2020
Download:  3rd E-Newsletter – November 2021

Acronym Learning by Competing - KA202
Title Promotion of Training in Robotics and of mobility, by the participation in international Competitions in Robotics
Programme Erasmus+
Key Action Strategic Partnerships for VET
Reference 2019-1-FR-KA202-062973
Status Closed
Start date 01/11/2019
End date 30/04/2022
Coordinator Honoré de Balzac Model United Nations (France)
Partners CEPROF - Centros Escolares de Ensino Profissional Lda. (PORTUGAL)

OVAR FORMA - Ensino e Formação, Lda. (Portugal)

APSU - Associação Portuguesa de Startups (Portugal);

CONFORM - Consulenza, Formazione e Management, Società Consortile a Responsabilità Limitata (Italy);

Formación para el Desarrollo e Inserción, Sociedad Limitada (Spain);

EU15 Ltd. (United Kingdom)

Website https://lbc.conform.it/