CEPROF is a partner of the European project VETLOVESFOOD, which will be implemented from 2021 to 2023. The partnership counts with eight partners from Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium and Thailand.

This project’s objectives are:

- to develop green skills in agri-food curricula within VET paths to contribute to the development of a sustainable approach focused on prevention of food waste at all levels;

- to create a performance model to contribute to the transfer of successful methodologies and tools monitoring food waste in VET;

- to engage local stakeholders in the challenge of attaining the SDGs, in particular, SGD 12.3;

- to support VET providers and stakeholders in the agri-food sector to pursue food prevention and food management habits by creating an EU Hub for Food Waste prevention and management.


Project results:

 - A VET Curriculum in the agri-food sector for the development of green skills oriented to food waste prevention and sustainable food production;

- A hands-on Manual for preventing food waste and valuing traditional recipes and local products;

- A European HUB for food prevention and food waste management;

- direct impact the daily activities of food management done by VET centres and supplied to students related to food waste;

- more than 500 students reached with our VETLOVESFOOD model;

Title Rethink Reduce Reuse – VET loves Food
Programme Erasmus+
Key-action Develop green skills in agri-food curricula within VET centres.
Reference  2021-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000025377
Status Ongoing
Start Date 01-11-2021
End Date 01-11-2023
Partners Coordinator: Confederación Española de Centros de Enseñanza Asociación (C.E.C.E.) – Espanha

MENTORTEC – Serviços de Apoio a Projetos Tecnológicos SA – Portugal

CEPROF – Centros Escolares de Ensino Profissional LDA – Portugal

Holding Hostelería SA – Espanha

Learningdigital SRL – Itália

ENAIP Veneto Impresa Sociale – Itália

Association Européenne pour la Formation Professionnelle – Bélgica

LightBlue Environmental Consulting – Tailândia

Website  N/A